The power of Today


When everyone was choosing their word for the year, the word I chose was “Today” and here’s why.

I decided that instead of grand plans, complicated schemes and 5- year forecasts I would look at my dreams and goals and just focus on what I can do today. The choices I can make. The actions I can take. Today. So that instead of living in future fantasies or living in past mistakes I would live life today.

Today means NOT waiting to for my dream life to finally start.

Instead of waiting for things to be perfect. Instead of waiting for my house to be tidy or my makeup to be perfect or that problem to go away, or that thorn in my flesh to be removed, Instead of waiting for my knowledge to be complete I will work with what I have today.

Today means busting through procrastination and self sabotage.

That means do it now, don’t put it off. no more faffing about, waffling and being indecisive.

Today Creates Urgency.

Because life is short. I want to offload everything. I want to put it all out there. I want to die empty.

There is an African expression where we say “Today na today”.

Its a declaration with attitude. A good example of today na today is (picture this) an angry black woman taking off her earrings getting ready to go into battle. Or for the more genteel among you it means rolling up your sleeves and saying “This is it” “its on!” (say it like you mean it -“Its ah-wn”.)

That is why I chose “Today” as my word for the year.

Today the 6th of March I declare myself to be a blogger.

This is my work. Its my job. Its my purpose, Its my plan. It is my vehicle to do life with. To make a difference. To make a living. To reach you and help you. To shine my own light and give you permission to shine yours.

I am a blogger.

I realise that before today, even though I started a blog a couple of years ago, I was really just getting ready to get ready to blog. I had never fully committed to it.

I was revving up my engine and I had put it in gear and was pointed in the right direction but I had not put my foot on the pedal. I had kept my foot on the brakes and had held myself back with words like “I am not ready”. “Who do I think I am? What do I really have to offer? Am I good enough? Do I know enough?…” And when I did take a step forward I would always find a way to get sidetracked or sabotage myself. But today I say no more.

A wise man once said that the man who puts his hand on the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom.

My hand is on this plough. Today is the day I fully commit. I have given up my cake studio and I have a small side hustle teaching one day a week to keep me fed and clothed. But my primary focus is the blog.

I am jumping in with both feet. I am fully committed. I know enough. I have enough. I am enough. The world – my world – is waiting for what I have to give. And I have so much to give.

I am passionate about possibilities. I am passionate about how you, yes I mean you, can do so much with so little. That is why I am here. That is what has brought me to this point and that is what will take me “there” wherever “there is.

Today is the day that I declare myself. I am a blogger. I am NOT a dabbler. A try-er. A maybe-this-might-work-lets-see-how-it-goes blogger. I am a give-it-my-all-everyday blogger. Yes I am a teacher and a cake decorator and a mum and a wife but now I am a blogger. I fully lean into it with no half measures. I put the blinders on and take the brakes off. Today.

I am a blogger. No more drafts. Its time to publish. I say enough already! Enough of gathering ingredients. Its time to cook and its time to serve. The world is hungry and waiting…

Now its your turn: (Leave a comment.)
What have you been holding yourself back on? What do you need to fully commit to? What do you need to start or what do you need to stop? Leave a comment. Start with “Today is the day that I…”

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