The One thing – Ask!

There is a saying that tiny hinges swing big doors.

Its the little things.

That little tweak in the things you do or say or think that make a world of difference. That little change in a habit or one person you meet or one conversation you have… the little things… I see you nodding… cos you already know this.

The one little thing I want to talk about today is so simple that it is easy to undervalue its power.  What is this little thing? It is… (drum roll)

… asking.

If you are in business, chances are that at some point, you will need to ask someone for something.

Learning to ask is useful in every area of our lives.

However I found in my cake decorating business it is something that always takes me to new levels and opens doors for me. Looking back, I see that every time I did something new, got a great opportunity, it always involved asking. I wish I did it more often because I find that when I do, great things always happen.

You gotta learn to ask.

The good book says “we do not have because we do not ask”.

If you learn to ask, it will change the way you do business, get you more customers, increase your confidence and it doesnt have to be yucky, salesy or techy.

For some great ideas of what to ask for, how to ask and who to ask, get this free pdf download:  Learn This One Thing (Hint – the one thing is “Asking”

Now your turn:  Is there something you remember getting simply because you asked. What is that big hairy thing you want to ask for? I would love to hear from you.

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