How to take photos that sell

I love buying things on ebay. I have since 2004 so if you need tips ask me. (i digress)

Once in a while I see an item on ebay that I just know I am going to get really cheap because no one else will be bidding against me. And it is always those items that are badly photographed. (Got this very iMac for less than half the RRP!)

Great for me the buyer but for the seller? Not so much.

Most people would either pay less or not buy at all when the photograph is sloppy, dark, blurred or unprofessional. It’s a fact.

It is the same thing with your decorated cakes. Whether it’s a photograph on your facebook page, your website, printed portfolio or blog, the more beautiful and professional it looks, the more attractive it is to your customers and the easier it is to charge premium price for your cakes.


I have good news for you, your cake photography can improve drastically

without you having to

– Study photography for months in college

– Hire an expensive professional photographer – not practical for the day to day running of your cake business.

– Buy expensive photography equipment.

And that is why I am so excited to announce this handy ebook

How to Photograph your cakes is a non-professional’s guide to professional looking photographs. Its a clear step by step guide in simple language.

Learn how to take better cake photographs. Without expensive equipment and without learning complicated concepts

You will learn the most important parts of photography in a way that is simple to understand and that will get you better results immediately. Like Today.

The ebook lays out 8 steps to taking a great photograph with tips, tricks and extra ideas for cake styling.

I hope you enjoy it. Please share this with your cake friends and feel free to post your cake photos on our Facebook page.

Here is the link again. 



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